Honey Products

Hladno prešano bučino ulje!

Cold - pressed pumpkin seed oil!

Poznata po svojim visokokvalitetnim pčelinjim proizvodima, tvrtka Bee Power od ove godine u svoju ponudu uvodi i hladno prešano bučino ulje. Ovaj...Learn more

Želatinske kapsule s propolisom i cvjetnim prahom

Propolis and pollen capsules:

Moć prirode u maloj kapsuli U svijetu prirodnih dodataka prehrani, želatinske kapsule punjene propolisom i cvjetnim prahom postaju sve...Learn more

Bee Power med

Bee Power Honey

Bee Power: We live our passion for beekeeping and producing premium honey and related products In Varaždin County, in northwestern Croatia, where we are surrounded by untouched nature...Learn more

Liker od meda

Honey Liqueur

Whether you drink it alone or in the company of friends, neat or with ice, perhaps in a wonderful cocktail, this liqueur is guaranteed to capture your senses and leave you craving...Learn more

Matična mliječ

Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly is a yellowish, thick substance rich with nutrients, which is secreted by female worker bees for feeding..Learn more



The composition of propolis varies from hive to hive, from district to district, and from season to season. Normally, it is dark brown in color, but can be found in green, red, black, and white hues, depending on the sources of resin in the hive area...Learn more

Ocat od meda

Honey Vinegar

Honey vinegar is a natural treasure used for health and beauty, it is a fascinating product...Learn more

AntiHem melem

AntiHem Balm

Natural solution for discomfort: hemorrhoids cause frequent and unpleasant pain which affects many people. Fortunately, nature offers effective solutionLearn more

Propobee CBD

Propobee CBD

Propobee CBD is an alcohol tincture made of propolis and CBD (HEMP). It is our natural product that offers variety of different health benefits. Propolis isLearn more

Melemi za njegu kože

Skin Care Balms

Bee balm - a natural wonder for your skin. These unique Bee Power balms, created from the finest gifts of the beehive, deeply nourishLearn more

Pčelinja pelud

Bee Pollen

It has properties that can stimulate organs, increase vitality and rejuvenation, speed up recovery and it is one of the favourite food supplementsLearn more

Pčelinji vosak


Beeswax is not just a peripheral by-product of beekeeping, it is a valuable natural treasure with innumerable potential uses...Learn more

Med u saću


Honey in a comb consists of wax cells that bees build to store honey. These hexagonal structures are filled with ripe honey, creating...Learn more


Honey Snap

They are more then just a tasty treat, they are a part of our Croatian cultural heritage, and are sold here as a recognizable souvenir for many of our customers..Learn more

Imunomed: Snažna kombinacija meda, propolisa i cvjetnog praha za jačanje imuniteta

Imunomed: Snažna kombinacija meda, propolisa i cvjetnog praha za jačanje imuniteta

Bee Power Imunomed je mješavina meda, propolisa i cvjetnog praha (cvjetne peludi), popularan je prirodni dodatak prehrani koji se tradicionalno...Learn more

What our clients say

I am happy to know that I can get this excellent honey in my area! This is great what you are doing. My children love honey, and we all use it along with propolis and will continue to use it.

Martin Horvat

What can I say? It's perfect! It's everything I needed and more - all wrapped up in one excellent expereince. Thank you for doing your job right, you sure know how to make a customer feel special. Keep up the great work.

Melissa Fray

Your staff treated me with the utmost care during my purchase, thank you. I really enjoyed it and you answered all my questions, so I saw that you pay attention to every detail.

Ivan Marković
Client 6
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Client 1