Propobee CBD is an alcohol tincture made of propolis and CBD (hemp oil). It is a natural product that offers a variety of different health benefits. Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees to protect their hives, and is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. We make tinctures from propolis that we combine with CBD tinctures. CBD tincture is derived from the hemp plant and is known for its pain and anxiety-relieving properties. It is produced according to a specific recipe without the presence of additives except solvent (alcohol), so it is similar to the production of propolis tinctures.
Almost all CBD products are classified as CBD oils of which many are called tinctures, even though they are not tinctures. These products , when it comes to tinctures, are similar to our Propobee CBD products only because they come in small glass bottles with dropper tips, since they are used sublingually. Propobee CBD from Bee Power comes in several basic packaging options, which are permanent on offer as of 2024. as a tincture with a dropper, and a tincture with a sprayer.
Advantages of using Propobee CBD tincture:
Strengthens the immune system: Propolis helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent infections.
Relieves pain and inflammation: CBD tincture is effective in relieving pain and inflammations. That is what makes it useful for people suffering from arthritis, joint pain or other chronic conditions.
Reduces stress and anxiety: CBD has properties of relieving stress and anxiety, and it can also help manage insomnia.
Improves skin health: Propolis tincture has antibacterial and antimicrobal properties that can help treat acne, eczema, and other skin conditions.
Protection against liver damage: Propolis has been shown to protect against damage caused by toxins and oxidative stress.
How to use Propobee CBD Tincture:
You can take propolis tincture with CBD orally, add it to fruit juice or tea, or apply it topically to the affected area. The dose may be different depending on individual needs, so it is best to start with a small dose and then gradually increase it if necessary.
Important: Before using popolis tincture with CBD, make sure to consult with your doctor, especially if you are taking prescription medication. If you are alergic to bee products, you should not use propolis tincture.
It is not recommended for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding to take Propobee CBD Tincture.
CBD can help with these conditions because of the effects it has on the endocannabinoid system in the human body. This complex system regulates many functions and processes, including sleep, mood, memory, appetite and much more.
Facts: The scientific community, as with everything else, does not agree on all the facts related to cannabidoids. Scientists have not yet found the way hemp oil or CBD communicates with the endocannabinoid system. Some believe that CBD inhibits the breakdown of molecules known as endocannabinoids, which are similar to cannabinoids produced in the human body.
CBD oils are easy to find in specialized stores and are more common then CBD tinctures. Most products with the label "CBD oil tinctures", even some with the label "CBD tincture", are actually CBD oils. Here at Bee Power, oils are oils and tinctures are tinctures.
The CBD tincture that we use for Propobee CBD is an alcohol-based extract without any other additives.The alcohol we use as a solvent to extract natural compounds of the cannabis plant is of the highest purity and resistance, and is also used in the finished product. This processing method preserves cannabinoids and keeps them from oxidation, but it requires a lot of knowledge in production, purification and filtration. Also, it can leave a bitter aftertaste just like propolis or propolis tincture.
CBD tinctures are not very common, partly because they have a bitter taste, similar to propolis. To mask the bitterness, tinctures are often mixed with additives like sweetners, flavouring or vegetable glycerin. Some beekeepers or companies also add vitamins, plant extracts, or additives like melatonin, depending on the purpose of the product. However, here at Bee Power we do not introduce additives to our products since we do not know how CBD interacts with them. It might have a counter effect, so we do not recommend mixing them together.
Advantages of CBD tinctures
- they are easily dosed
- they can be mixed with food and drink
- very effective when taken sublingually
Disadvantages of CBD tinctures
- a bitter taste
- they are not widely available so can be hard to find
- not as effective as other hemp oil products in their natural state
Remember: When making your decision about which CBD-based product is the best for your needs, it is important to take into consideration your tendencies and goals!
Store at room temperature, away from sunlight. Use within 3 months after opening.
Your Bee Power team.
Where to buy Propobee CBD:
Propolis tincture with CBD: You can buy this on our online store, order by phone or email, or by visiting our booth at the Trg tradicijskih obrta in Varaždin (Uršulinska road bb) or our apiary in Cerje Tužno.